Component 1: iPhone 4
Now in its fourth iteration, Apple's iPhone has forever changed the mobile phone landscape, thrusting touchscreen technology to the tips of every tech geek's tongue and every consumer's wish list. Despite early (and somewhat overblown) issues surrounding iPhone 4, sales have proved to be record-setting and with the exception of a loud minority regarding antenna issues, critics love it.
Think of iPhone 4 as your mobile communications component in this setup. Text, call, email, instant message, tweet, Facebook post, and foursquare check in. Of course you can add games and other Apps to iPhone to round out what it does, but component two in this setup may be your best bet for that part of your Apple experience.
Component 2: iPad
What many bloggers called "just a big iPod touch" has turned out to be so much more. iPad--Apple's self-described magical touchscreen tablet device--is not just a gadget for geeks. It is a major turning point in the direction of personal,consumer computing and the numbers back it up.
iPad is the perfect mobile media consumption and (perhaps surprisingly to some) productivity device. Out of the box, iPad is an amazing way to watch movies, listen to music, and surf the Web. Adding a few choice Apps like Apple's own Pages, Numbers, andKeynote make iPad an incredibly effective way to get work done on the go. And if you're not ready to buckle down to finish those projects, gaming on iPad is the perfect way to procrastinate (and have tons of fun).
Component 3: iMac
The first two components take care of all your mobile habits (and perhaps give you a few more). But now, you need something to tie it all together in a nice, neat Apple-shaped bow. iMac is just that.
The newly updated all-in-one desktop from Apple is the perfect machine to be your home base. The fastest iMac ever can be upgraded to the 27-inch, quad-core Intel Core i7 2.93Ghz processor, and up to 16GB of RAM, which is terms of computing speeds roughly translates to "obscenely fast".
Aperture, Adobe CS5, or Final Cut Studioyou're all set. But perhaps the most impressive thing about iMac is the incredibly clean workspace you'll have. With the wireless Magic Mouse, Bluetooth keyboard, and the new Magic Trackpad all running on batteries (now available from Apple via the new Apple Battery Charger) the only cable you need to worry about is the power cord.