Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Fifth generation computers are the future generation computers. The fifth generation computers will be under Artificial-Intelligence. The idea of fifth generation computer was introduced by Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1982. The term fifth generation was stretched out to convey the system as being a leap beyond existing computer machines. But the fifth generation computer system (FGCS) project of Japan was failed since the Ministry of International Trade and Industry ( MITI ) of Japan stopped funding for it.

Many advances in the science of computer-design and technology are coming together to enable the creation of fifth generation computers. Two such engineering advances are give below

  1. parallel processing, which replaces von Neumann’s single central processing unit design with a system harnessing the power of many CPUs to work as one.
  2. the technology of superconductors which is another great advantage, allows the flow of the electricity with very less or even no resistance, greatly improving the information flow speed.

Some of the advanced computers that we use today have some qualities or characteristics of fifth generation computers. For example, an expert computer machine system assist doctors to distinguish or identify a disease by diagnosis.